U.S. poverty-focused foreign assistance accounts for less than 1 percent of the federal budget, yet this small amount enables the United States to work through trusted partners—including faith-based groups like World Vision—for the benefit of our country and the world.

Due to the Executive Order to reexamine and reevaluate foreign assistance, World Vision’s programs have been paused since January 20. As of February 26, 50% of World Vision’s 72 US-government funded programs in 41 countries have been terminated.

From providing lifesaving aid in crises, to empowering families to overcome poverty and experience the fullness of life God intends, foreign assistance from the United States changes lives and makes our country more safe and prosperous. Speak up for this critical funding now:

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US foreign assistance encompasses global health, child protection, food assistance, gender equality, education, economic development, water, sanitation & hygiene, and humanitarian response—all while partnering with communities and countries to build self-reliance. With funding allocated annually by Congress, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) provides grants to trusted implementing partners like World Vision. These grants complement existing development activities and increase our overall impact—putting our collective goals of eliminating extreme poverty and achieving holistic child wellbeing within reach.

US foreign assistance...

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