We’ve had the privilege of making history
Over the last two decades, World Vision has worked to preserve, improve and influence U.S. foreign assistance policies and programs that positively affect millions of lives around the world. Our dedicated advocates and volunteers are passionate about ensuring safety, health, and opportunity for every child. World Vision has advocates in every congressional district in the United States — learn about the impact they’ve made as we work together to follow God’s call to speak up on behalf of the poor and vulnerable.
In 2024, World Vision Advocates:
- Sent over 30,000 digital messages to members of Congress
- Met in-person and virtually with members of Congress or their staff 246 times
Congress rejects 24% cuts to Foreign Affairs budget
The President’s proposed budget for 2019 included a 24% reduction in the Foreign Affairs budget. Thousands of World Vision advocates contacted their members of Congress throughout the year in support of U.S. foreign assistance and opposing any cuts. With persistence, and partnership with other organizations, advocates were heard, and Congress rejected the disproportionate cuts to U.S. foreign assistance.
2017 Congress adds $1 billion supplemental to address famines and disasters
Advocates helped raised awareness for the hunger crisis in East Africa and other disasters around the world, and Congress listened. In the budget for Fiscal Year 2017, Congress chose to better assist people severely impacted by famine or disaster with a supplemental totaling almost $1 billion.
2017 The READ Act
Based on the idea that every child deserves an education, the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development (READ) Act was signed into law September 12, 2017. World Vision advocates contacted Congress more than 15,000 times. This law puts measures in place to help provide education to the more than 59 million children.
2016 The Global Food Security Act
In 2016, Congress passed a final version of the Global Food Security Act – a bill that provides tools and resources to small-scale farmers, helps to empower women and provide opportunity, and implements nutrition programs for children under 5. Thousands of World Vision advocates reached out to members of Congress to ask for the successful passage of this bill, which moves the global community one step closer to zero hunger by 2030.
2015 The Girls Count Act
Advocates’ perseverance over a year and a half finally paid off when the Girls Count Act was signed into law in 2015! The law makes it U.S. policy to work with other countries to ensure children are registered at birth, even in developing countries where girls are systematically under-counted.
2015 Restored funding for projects to fight child labor
In 2015, Congress proposed 100% cuts to programs that have fought child labor since 1995 under the International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB). In 2015 — as they do each year — advocates spoke out against these cuts. ILAB has successfully worked with partners to remove more than 1.8 million children from dangerous and degrading jobs through educational and vocational programs.
2014 The Water for the World Act
After nearly 18 months of continuous advocacy by World Vision supporters, the Water for the World Act was signed into law in December 2014. This law assures U.S. funds for water, sanitation, and hygiene go to the countries most in need for the greatest impact — instead of wherever the U.S. may have political interests.
2013 The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
The Trafficking Victims Protection Act is the cornerstone of U.S. laws to fight human trafficking domestically and abroad, but needs to be renewed every few years. After Congress allowed the bill to expire in 2011, World Vision supporters advocated to Congress for over two years to protect this law.
2008 The Child Soldier Protection Act
Some 12,000 citizen advocates contributed to this success by contacting their members of Congress to express support for this bill. Signed into law in 2008, it was passed to ensure that U.S. taxpayer money will never fund the use of child soldiers abroad. Advocates continue to work on enforcement of this bill by speaking out against waivers to the law.
2004 The Northern Uganda Crisis Response Act
Signed into law in 2004, the Northern Uganda Crisis Response Act supported a peaceful resolution to the decades-long conflict, called on the U.S. to work with the Ugandan government and the international community to provide humanitarian aid and development assistance, and called for increased protection of displaced civilians, particularly women and children.
2003 The U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act
Signed by President Bush in 2003, this act (also known as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR) approved $15 billion to fight some of the worst child-killing diseases worldwide — and the program has since been vastly expanded. During FY2015, 9.5 million people living with HIV/AIDS received life-saving anti-retrovirals, 5.5 million orphaned and vulnerable children were supported, and over 68 million people got access to HIV testing and counseling.
2003 The PROTECT Act
In April 2003, Congress passed the PROTECT Act (Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today). World Vision advocated for changes, such as the enhancements to current “sex tourism” laws, to better protect children from Americans who travel to poor countries to engage in sex with minors.
2002 The Sudan Peace Act
President Bush signed the Sudan Peace Act into law in October 2002. The legislation provided aid to Sudanese citizens, required the United States to monitor peace negotiations, and allowed for sanctions if the Sudanese government interfered with humanitarian efforts.