Praying for People in Poverty

December 13, 2016By Zoey WilsonBible Verses 2 Comments

This is part one of our 12-part series, 12 Prayers of Christmas. Check back and join us as we pray together leading up to Christmas.  “I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor    and upholds the cause of the needy.” Psalm 140:12 NIV There are 836 million people in the world living in extreme … Read More

Bringing Hope — A Refugee Story

December 18, 2015By Guest AuthorBible Verses 4 Comments

She walked for days over countless miles, her belly swollen. The baby within her gave her no peace, stirring and ready to be born. When the time came, uncertainty reigned. She was a stranger there. She wasn’t sure where she could deliver. But on that day as the first cry of her little boy pierced the air, her face broke into a smile. Her hope, her future had entered the world.

Advocacy as Scripture Calls Us — Part 2

January 27, 2015By Alexia SalvatierraBible Verses 1 Comment

By Reverend Alexia Salvatierra.

We are called to not just to encourage our leaders but we are also called to act as prophets— to continue the prophetic work of our Lord. Jesus is prophet as well as priest and king. What do prophets do?

Prophets speak God’s truth to God’s people in a specific time and place…

Justice as a Theological Necessity

January 22, 2015By Guest AuthorBible Verses 1 Comment

By Ken Wytsma, founder of The Justice Conference I often use the phrase “Theology of Justice.” In fact, it was one of the founding ideas and goals of The Justice Conference—to discuss and promote a theological understanding of justice. But what does a “theology of justice” mean? Simply put, it means that our understanding of … Read More

Advocacy as Scripture Calls Us — Part 1

January 20, 2015By Alexia SalvatierraBible Verses 3 Comments

Even if Christians understand the biblical call to advocate for justice, many of us do not participate in public policy advocacy, because the way the world advocates gives us spiritual indigestion. The assumptions are secular: power is seen as limited to law, force, money, and numbers. People are seen as fundamentally motivated by self-interest. Confrontation … Read More

Using Your Influence to Impact the Crowd

January 13, 2015By Alexia SalvatierraBible Verses No Comments

“Until all of us come… to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” -Ephesians 4:13 To attain the maturity of Christ, we have to go to “whole gospel discipleship.”  How do we practice “whole gospel discipleship?” In Matthew 9:35-36, Jesus looked at the crowds and had compassion on them. The word “compassion” … Read More

Pray for Our Leaders

January 6, 2015By Alexia SalvatierraBible Verses 11 Comments

We believe in prayer. When we love someone who is sick, most of us pray for that person frequently if not continually. We trust that God will respond to our prayers. However, our response to Paul’s injunction to Timothy (1 Timothy 2:1-4) to “pray for our leaders” does not often inspire the same level of passion and fervency. Why? Perhaps some of us have difficulty believing…

Seeking Biblical Justice

January 1, 2015By Amanda MootzBible Verses 2 Comments

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -Martin Luther King, Jr. In January, as we commemorate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr., we begin a new series on biblical justice and advocacy – to help us stay grounded in why we do what we do as advocates. You can look forward … Read More

God and Social Justice

February 11, 2013By Guest AuthorBible Verses No Comments

By Rev. Adam Taylor Discover the roots of biblical social justice and how this motivates us, as Christians, to fight injustice. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves … defend the rights of the poor and needy.”—Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV). What Does “Social Justice” Really Mean? Social justice is a catch-all term that has … Read More