Contributing a Voice to Reach the Most in Need

Contributing a Voice to Reach the Most in Need

September 25, 2015By Guest AuthorGlobal Health No Comments

Frank Williams, World Vision International New York City director and United Nations representative, shares why World Vision is participating in the United Nations General Assembly, which begins this week, and the importance of having a voice there. Viewed from U.N. headquarters in New York, where a new Global Development Agenda is being adopted this week … Read More

World Day Against Child Labor

June 12, 2015By WV AdvocacyChild Protection 1 Comment

Today is World Day Against Child Labor. When young Latha’s mother became sick, she found herself responsible for caring for her younger brothers and was forced to drop out of school. To help her family, she began working 12-plus hours a day as a laborer at a local matchstick factory. Watch her story and how … Read More

Speaking for Children at the G7

June 9, 2015By WV AdvocacyLearn About Advocacy No Comments

In May for the Global Week of Action, advocates from across the country sent a message to President Obama– “This year at the G7 summit, remember mothers and vulnerable children. Do not leave them off the post-2015 agenda.” This past weekend, ahead of the G7 summit, World Vision workers from eight international offices carried your … Read More

Motherhood, Loss, and Hope in Zimbabwe

February 24, 2015By Guest AuthorMaternal and Child health No Comments

Guest blogger Diana Stone shares her story as a mother here in the United States, and how it helped her connect to the mothers she met on a trip she took to Zimbabwe with World Vision. Several months after I gave birth to extremely premature twin boys in 2012, who only lived a short time, my husband and I asked our doctor about having another baby. We were told it was up to us, but recommended waiting six months or perhaps until the twins’ due date had passed. She explained this would allow us time to grieve and me to heal physically…

Advocacy as Scripture Calls Us — Part 2

Advocacy as Scripture Calls Us — Part 2

January 27, 2015By Alexia SalvatierraBible Verses 1 Comment

By Reverend Alexia Salvatierra.

We are called to not just to encourage our leaders but we are also called to act as prophets— to continue the prophetic work of our Lord. Jesus is prophet as well as priest and king. What do prophets do?

Prophets speak God’s truth to God’s people in a specific time and place…

Justice as a Theological Necessity

Justice as a Theological Necessity

January 22, 2015By Guest AuthorBible Verses 1 Comment

By Ken Wytsma, founder of The Justice Conference I often use the phrase “Theology of Justice.” In fact, it was one of the founding ideas and goals of The Justice Conference—to discuss and promote a theological understanding of justice. But what does a “theology of justice” mean? Simply put, it means that our understanding of … Read More

Advocacy as Scripture Calls Us — Part 1

Advocacy as Scripture Calls Us — Part 1

January 20, 2015By Alexia SalvatierraBible Verses 3 Comments

Even if Christians understand the biblical call to advocate for justice, many of us do not participate in public policy advocacy, because the way the world advocates gives us spiritual indigestion. The assumptions are secular: power is seen as limited to law, force, money, and numbers. People are seen as fundamentally motivated by self-interest. Confrontation … Read More