There’s been no shortage of gray days recently, but we know God is faithful. We’ll continue to seek justice — and celebrate when we see progress!
Christian advocacy
Why does violence against women and girls increase during disasters?
Women and girls face greater risk of violence during emergencies as harmful social norms intensify and women are further marginalized.
April advocacy update: Lifted prayers and lifted voices
In April, our advocacy had two themes: lifting up the voices of the vulnerable and lifting up our own voices in prayer!
Our recommendations to keep children safe during COVID-19
In April, the Ending Violence Against Children Taskforce released policy recommendations for governments to keep children safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
7 ways clean water fights injustice
Clean water fights injustice by promoting education, economic growth, gender equality, and more. Here are 7 ways clean water fights poverty and injustice.
What are children saying about COVID-19?
Children are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 because of school closures and loss of social safety nets. But they’re speaking out and taking action!
Vaccines: an essential lifeline for the most vulnerable
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and World Vision are committed to reaching vulnerable children with life-saving vaccines.
March Advocacy Update: Marching on for kids
March was tough. While COVID-19 meant that our advocacy looked different, we didn’t stop speaking up for justice, especially for the most vulnerable.
What my daughter taught me about early childhood development
Nate Lance is a World Vision policy advisor — and dad to a toddler! Here’s what she’s taught him about the importance of childhood development interventions.
What does foreign aid buy? I took Capitol Hill staff on a trip to find out!
Congress wants to make sure foreign aid dollars are spent wisely, so we took D.C. staffers to Malawi to see what U.S. aid can really buy for moms and kids!