Hope Found in the Name of Jesus

December 19, 2017By Guest AuthorBible Verses No Comments

This Advent season we are reflecting on the different candles of the Advent wreath. Advocate and pastor Bob Bouwer considers the fourth candle of Advent, hope, for part four of our five-part series. By Bob Bouwer This Advent season I have been thinking about the story of Joseph and his unique situation. What was he thinking? … Read More

How to Find Joy in the Midst of Suffering

December 14, 2017By Guest AuthorBible Verses 1 Comment

This Advent season we are reflecting on the different candles of the Advent wreath and how their themes relate to our role as advocates for Christ. Advocate Sarah Ellis from New Jersey provides insight on the third candle of joy for part three of our five-part series. By Sarah Ellis “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the … Read More

Trading Child Marriage for College Textbooks

November 28, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Marriage, Gender 38 Comments

Harassment is one of many challenges girls and women face in Delhi, a sprawling city of 25 million people where there are problems of safety, vulnerability to violence and exploitation, pollution, and unsanitary or overcrowded living conditions. But empowered by sponsorship, girls in one neighborhood are overcoming poverty and trading child marriage for college textbooks. … Read More

A Life Like Mine

August 22, 2017By Guest AuthorRefugees 3 Comments

By Andrew Olson I looked down the barrel of the long gun inches from the bus window, jolted into alertness from the hazy slumber of our bus trip to the Za’atari Refugee Camp, located just South of the Syria-Jordan border. The tank was a slightly ironic sight outside a camp filled with people who had … Read More

Murky Web of Trafficking

June 12, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Protection No Comments

This is part four of a four-part series taking a deeper dive into child protection efforts in India. A group of concerned volunteers known as the child protection unit works together to protect children from child labor, child marriage, and child trafficking through education. By Annila Harris Completing their check-up of Reshma, child protection unit members … Read More

Without Education, There is No Dignity

June 8, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Protection No Comments

This is part three of a four-part series taking a deeper dive into child protection efforts in India. A group of concerned volunteers known as the child protection unit works together to protect children from child labor, child marriage, and child trafficking through education. By Annila Harris Exiting the main street of the community, Sandeep and … Read More