Pray for Refugees

Pray for Refugees

March 15, 2018By Zoey WilsonBible Verses, Refugees 1 Comment

*Update: As of July 2019, the conflict in Syria has lasted over eight years. Around the world, there are over 70 million people displaced due to violence in conflict—the highest number on record. Today marks the seventh anniversary of the conflict in Syria. As you pray for refugees today, pray specifically for the people of … Read More

Pray for Field Staff

Pray for Field Staff

February 28, 2018By Zoey WilsonBible Verses No Comments

World Vision has projects in nearly 100 countries around the world. For these projects to deliver good results, we rely on men and women who are dedicated to serving those in poverty and to showing God’s love to every child. In many cases, these people were born or grew up in the communities where they … Read More

Update: The President’s Budget

Update: The President’s Budget

February 26, 2018By WV AdvocacyForeign Assistance 2 Comments

On February 12, the Administration released its budget proposal for FY19. While this budget is not binding, it does lay out the White House’s priorities and may influence the decisions Congress makes. To uphold World Vision’s mission, including to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed, promote human transformation, … Read More

Pray for Education

Pray for Education

February 8, 2018By Zoey WilsonBible Verses, Child Education No Comments

Around the world, there are various barriers to education. There may be a lack of teachers or tools. Perhaps families feel their children would have greater value elsewhere. Some students may live amidst conflict and the act of attending school itself is unsafe. In many situations, policies that support child education are not well enforced. But, … Read More

How To Make Your Advocacy Relational

How To Make Your Advocacy Relational

January 25, 2018By WV AdvocacyLearn About Advocacy 4 Comments

Did you know? Nearly 90 percent of Congress publicly claims faith in Christ. This means that people of faith not only have significant influence with these leaders, but also an incredible opportunity to minister to them, connecting with their hearts as much as their minds.  How do you do this? Through relational advocacy. Why It … Read More

Pray for Child Protection

Pray for Child Protection

January 18, 2018By Zoey WilsonBible Verses, Child Protection 1 Comment

There is hope for the one billion children around the world who are affected by violence.  Violence against children includes physical, emotional, and sexual violence, and many of these children suffer other harms – through abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Violence isn’t one size fits all; it can include trafficking, child labor, early marriage, and other … Read More

Hope Found in the Name of Jesus

Hope Found in the Name of Jesus

December 19, 2017By Guest AuthorBible Verses No Comments

This Advent season we are reflecting on the different candles of the Advent wreath. Advocate and pastor Bob Bouwer considers the fourth candle of Advent, hope, for part four of our five-part series. By Bob Bouwer This Advent season I have been thinking about the story of Joseph and his unique situation. What was he thinking? … Read More

How to Find Joy in the Midst of Suffering

How to Find Joy in the Midst of Suffering

December 14, 2017By Guest AuthorBible Verses 1 Comment

This Advent season we are reflecting on the different candles of the Advent wreath and how their themes relate to our role as advocates for Christ. Advocate Sarah Ellis from New Jersey provides insight on the third candle of joy for part three of our five-part series. By Sarah Ellis “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the … Read More