A new bill to help end violence against women

A new bill to help end violence against women

December 6, 2017By Lisa BosGender No Comments

When it might often seem like there is very little we as a country can agree on, I believe there is one issue where we can find consensus – that violence is never acceptable, especially towards women and children who are most vulnerable, whatever form that violence takes.  Whether the issue is child marriage, physical … Read More

No Lost Generation: Empowering Young People Affected by Conflict in Iraq and Syria

No Lost Generation: Empowering Young People Affected by Conflict in Iraq and Syria

December 4, 2017By Whitney GrovesChild Protection, Refugees No Comments

“What is the aim of this Congress? And what will happen for us next?” asked 19-year-old Hameed to a captive audience in the U.S. Capitol building. Over live video stream from the Harsham IDP (Internally Displaced People) and refugee camp in Iraq, Hameed (19), Yasmeen (13), and Mohamed (16), shared the hardships they experienced when … Read More

Trading Child Marriage for College Textbooks

Trading Child Marriage for College Textbooks

November 28, 2017By Guest AuthorChild Marriage, Gender 38 Comments

Harassment is one of many challenges girls and women face in Delhi, a sprawling city of 25 million people where there are problems of safety, vulnerability to violence and exploitation, pollution, and unsanitary or overcrowded living conditions. But empowered by sponsorship, girls in one neighborhood are overcoming poverty and trading child marriage for college textbooks. … Read More

Dreaming Big in Uganda

Dreaming Big in Uganda

November 21, 2017By Lisa BosChild Protection, Gender No Comments

As a girl growing up in Zeeland, Michigan, I had a lot of dreams about what my future might look like.  There were the immediate dreams (making the basketball team, getting all A’s) and the future dreams (going to college, finding a great career, having a family).  Some of those dreams were realized, and others … Read More

Pray for Your Leaders

Pray for Your Leaders

November 16, 2017By Zoey WilsonBible Verses 1 Comment

There are 535 men and women who serve as our members of Congress and these are just some of our country’s leaders. People who are government leaders, whether members of Congress, the President, the Cabinet, or even state representatives, are faced with difficult decisions daily in addition to balancing commitments to family and friends. Often, … Read More

What I Learned at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast

What I Learned at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast

October 11, 2017By Christina BradicMaternal and Child health 3 Comments

On Tuesday, October 2, following World Vision’s Day of Prayer, World Vision US partnered with Food for the Hungry, Catholic Relief Services, and Christian Connections for International Health to bring together a bipartisan group of members of Congress, government officials, and pastors, to pray for mothers and children around the globe. The event was opened … Read More

One in Ten – the Need to End Child Labor for Good

One in Ten – the Need to End Child Labor for Good

September 26, 2017By WV AdvocacyChild Protection, Take Action No Comments

By Whitney Young, Child Protection Research Assistant, and Jessica Bousquette, Child Protection Policy Advisor “Some things are just wrong. Child Labor is a brake on sustainable development…its eradication must be pursued with the utmost determination.” –International Labor Organization, Global Estimates of Child Labor: Results and Trends, 2012-2016 On September 19, the International Labor Organization (ILO) … Read More

Update: Trafficking Legislation Moves in the Senate

Update: Trafficking Legislation Moves in the Senate

September 20, 2017By WV AdvocacyChild Protection, News and Reports, Take Action No Comments

Yesterday, the Senate introduced and moved through committee S. 1848: An original bill to amend the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 to modify the criteria for determining whether countries are meeting the minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking, and for other purposes. While the title is long, the short story is that … Read More

READ Act Becomes Law!

READ Act Becomes Law!

September 12, 2017By WV AdvocacyChild Education, News and Reports 1 Comment

We often hear about difficulties in Congress and how approval ratings are at a record low. We want to say thank you for realizing that in the midst of the chaos, your voice still matters. Today, largely influenced by your emails, phone calls, and tweets, the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development (READ) Act – previously named … Read More