Moms Say ‘Thank you!’ to the American People

Moms Say ‘Thank you!’ to the American People

April 25, 2016By WV AdvocacyForeign Assistance 2 Comments

World Vision’s director of government relations, Lisa Bos, and policy advisor for food security and livelihoods, Beth Ann Saracco, talk about the importance of recognizing women in development in this article originally posted on The Hill. In the article, they reflect on their recent trips to Kenya and Zimbabwe where they saw U.S. funded programs at work, helping communities find sustainable solutions to poverty.

The World Can’t Ignore What’s Happening in South Sudan

The World Can’t Ignore What’s Happening in South Sudan

April 19, 2016By Guest AuthorChild Protection No Comments

Earlier this month, Relevant Magazine interviewed Jessica Bousquette, World Vision policy advisor for child protection, about the state of South Sudan amidst a conflict that has been going on since 2013. Since the conflict began, there has been much violence displacing over 900,000 children within South Sudan, keeping them from school and putting them at greater risk for malnutrition and exploitation, including child soldier recruitment. Over the past two years, over 400 advocates have send messages to the President to bring awareness to this conflict and the impact it is having on children.

Red Hand Day: “If I run out of food, I will go.”

Red Hand Day: “If I run out of food, I will go.”

February 12, 2016By Jessica BousquetteChild Protection No Comments

Today as we observe Red Hand Day, a day to raise awareness about the use of child soldiers, half of the nearly 60 million displaced people around the world are children. They, like Jeremiah, face risk of abuse, hunger, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of violence as they are separated from their parents or caregivers, as they run out of options for livelihoods and survival, or as education is interrupted by disaster or conflict.

Bringing Hope — A Refugee Story

December 18, 2015By Guest AuthorBible Verses 4 Comments

She walked for days over countless miles, her belly swollen. The baby within her gave her no peace, stirring and ready to be born. When the time came, uncertainty reigned. She was a stranger there. She wasn’t sure where she could deliver. But on that day as the first cry of her little boy pierced the air, her face broke into a smile. Her hope, her future had entered the world.

Compassion Over Fear

Compassion Over Fear

December 1, 2015By Christina BradicRefugees 2 Comments

Gracious Lord, awaken us to the needs of Syrian children and their mothers and fathers. Let us not grow weary in doing what is right and good in Your eyes. Remind us to engage on their behalf as we would if it were our own families who were suffering. Help us be advocates for peace … Read More